LA by Diana - Personal Style blog by Diana Marks: thoughts


Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

September 25, 2016

Blending Passions with Wente Vineyards

When you find something you are passionate about, you undoubtingly set aside the time it takes to hone your skill. You put in the time it takes not because you have to, but because you love to. You enjoy the journey, not the destination, and that's what life is all about! For me personally, my passion has recently become meeting people. I used to read books on human dynamics and self development, but I recently found out that socializing and meeting new people brings me great joy and faster and richer experience. I love learning about people's lives, and how a series of events have shaped their lifestyles and personalities. It's a fascinating subject to me, and I am always generous with my time for interesting people. Hopefully, one day I can put all the things that I have learned from them in writing. 
It's easy to blend my passion with Wente Vineyards, as wine is a great compliment to a long and interesting conversation. Whether at a restaurant, at a picnic, or at home, Wente Wine is a perfect entertainment addition.
Try their wine and take advantage of free shipping using this code JRNYSHIP1 for a limited time! 

July 27, 2016

For The Love of The Journey

Life is made up of so many different journeys. Some of them are physical, some are emotional, some are professional. All of them are different, challenging or easy, hidden or apparent. And they all make us grow, learn and experience lasting effects for the rest of our lives. For today's post I have partnered with The Wente Vineyards to talk a bit about my own professional journey.