LA by Diana - Personal Style blog by Diana Marks


December 2, 2014

Gloomy Days

Hey, dear friends! Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving celebration! It's hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner now and we are already in December! The last few days it's been raining non-stop here in LA, but it feels like we (LA people) sort of deserve this, because we enjoy the sun all year long :)
On a side note, I wrote another article for Loehmann's blog "Style Vault". This time I am talking about Black and White do's and don'ts and give you multiple tips on rocking monochromatic look in style. Check it out HERE.

November 28, 2014

6 Month Salvation

Target found out that only 20% of their guests' clothes gets worn, which means 80% is left unexplored! I was challenged to find an item that I haven't worn in the past 6 months and style it in 3 different ways to remind myself how cool it actually is and how much I once loved it. I had so much fun styling these creative looks with my old black and white pattern skirt that I think I'll definitely wear more often from now on. Obviously Target items helped me in my styling process, which means that you can easily create new fun looks without spending a fortune (or anything!) Hope you are having a great Thanksgiving weekend!

November 24, 2014

Only in LA...

Only in LA you can wear a tank top under an oversized knit coat in mid-November (and not even need a coat in daytime) :) Happy Monday!

November 21, 2014

Inspiration is Everywhere

Here is another cool idea from Target. Target believes (and I second it!) that inspiration in style can come from anywhere, whether it's a piece of art, a mural in your city, a song on the radio or simply any object around you! To prove this, Target challenged me to find any item in their store and get inspired by it in my style and boy, I went wild =) Everywhere I looked I could come up with at least a few different looks, but as soon as I saw these headphones, I immediately remembered my favorite color combination (orange+black+white) and thought that it was time to utilize it again! Came up with this preppy and playful look with elements of male fashion (hello ties!) all styled mostly with Target items - meaning, you don't have to break a bank to look stylish and original! ;)