LA by Diana - Personal Style blog by Diana Marks: fingerless gloves


Showing posts with label fingerless gloves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fingerless gloves. Show all posts

September 22, 2014


It's hard to believe that before opening my blog I was a dedicated fan of "total black" looks. I remember times when friends asked me "But do you have any non-black items in your wardrobe?" With the blog came constant need to explore and try out new styles. I started wearing items I never thought I would. Seriously people, start a blog and you'll see ;) But today I am going back to my love of black in a daring rebel look (obviously a classy rebel ;) ) with the help of Skull Cashmere crop top and fingerless gloves.
And the sunglasses I am wearing are the newest addition to my collection from Atelier Eyewear. They are by far the best fitting sunglasses I have ever had, which is no surprise since they are custom made :) Not only I felt like I designed them myself (I chose the frames and the colors), but I had so much fun playing with their interactive webcam tool. The Ultra tool used my computer's webcam to measure the feature and contours of my face and head. No wonder they come out perfectly fitting! Atelier Eyewear frames are also hand made to achieve the highest quality which is only compatible to luxury designers. You can definitely allow yourself to feel a little "Tom Ford" when designing your own unique pair of Atelier Eyewear!