LA by Diana - Personal Style blog by Diana Marks


June 26, 2012

Cardigan Fix?

Did you ever think of using the scarf as a cardigan? The McQueen scarf, that has already saved the situation in my casual look, helped me again in creating a nice cardigan over my Denny Rose dress. 
Cardigan-Scarf: Alexander McQueen
Dress: Denny Rose
Shoes: Dolce & Gabbana

June 25, 2012

A Walk in Greystone Mansion Park

It's very hard to imagine that in the heart of Beverly Hills you can find a Los Angeles copy of Versailles. Although this is an exaggerated comparison, the place is very much worth seeing. The Greystone Mansion Park is quite hard to find and that is what makes it so beautiful and intimidating. Although it has been used in a lot of film productions, it is still a very intimate public park, which I like to visit when I need to feel like a real lady of the 19th century or just escape the hectic life of Los Angeles.
